当前位置:Linux教程 - Linux资讯 - Intel集成显卡分辨率调整工具855resolution


  855resolution 是Intel 集成显示卡的调节分辨率的专用工具;据其介绍是用于笔记本集成的855显示卡;一、855resolution 的应用范围;通过查看855resolution的说明得知:

This software changes the resolution of an available vbios mode. It is useful,when the native screen resolution isn't advertised as available by the video bios by default.

如果机器的分辨率上不去,或者调整好后,下次重启机器还得重新调整的,应该用这个工具来尝试调节;二、安装和配置855resolution:1、安装 855resolution在Fedora Core 4.0 中,如果您通过yum 在线更新软件包,请您参考 《Fedora/Redhat 在线安装更新软件包,yum 篇》,来查看yum的使用方法和软件仓库;

[root@localhost beinan]# yum install 855resolution

在Fedora Core 4.0 中,如果您通过apt 在线更新软件包,请您参考 《用apt+synaptic 在线安装或升级Fedora core 4.0 软件包》,来查看 apt 的用法及软件仓库;

[root@localhost beinan]# apt-get install 855resolution2、应用及配置 855resolution855resolution 被安装在以下的目录中,所有的文件如下:

[root@localhost beinan]# rpm -ql 855resolution/etc/rc.d/init.d/855resolution/etc/sysconfig/855resolution/usr/sbin/855resolution/usr/share/doc/855resolution-0.4/usr/share/doc/855resolution-0.4/CHANGES.txt/usr/share/doc/855resolution-0.4/LICENSE.txt/usr/share/doc/855resolution-0.4/README.txt

查看帮助: [root@localhost beinan]# 855resolution --help855resolution version 0.4, by Alain PoirierUsage: 855resolution [-p] [-l] [-f bios_type] [mode X Y]  Set the resolution to XxY for mode  Options:    -l display the modes found into the vbios    -f skip the VBIOS detection by forcing a VBIOS type    -p display the registered plugins

首先我们列出vbios的模式:用 -l参数;

[root@localhost beinan]# 855resolution -l855resolution version 0.4, by Alain PoirierChipset: 855GM (id=0x35808086)VBIOS type: 2VBIOS Version: 3360Mode 30 : 640x480, 8 bits/pixelMode 32 : 800x600, 8 bits/pixelMode 34 : 1024x768, 8 bits/pixelMode 38 : 1280x1024, 8 bits/pixelMode 3a : 1600x1200, 8 bits/pixelMode 3c : 1920x1440, 8 bits/pixelMode 41 : 640x480, 16 bits/pixelMode 43 : 800x600, 16 bits/pixelMode 45 : 1024x768, 16 bits/pixelMode 49 : 1280x1024, 16 bits/pixelMode 4b : 1600x1200, 16 bits/pixelMode 4d : 1920x1440, 16 bits/pixelMode 50 : 640x480, 32 bits/pixelMode 52 : 800x600, 32 bits/pixelMode 54 : 1024x768, 32 bits/pixelMode 58 : 1280x1024, 32 bits/pixelMode 5a : 1600x1200, 32 bits/pixelMode 5c : 1920x1440, 32 bits/pixelMode 7c : 1280x768, 8 bits/pixelMode 7d : 1280x768, 16 bits/pixelMode 7e : 1280x768, 32 bits/pixel

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通过上面列出的内容,比如我想让显示支持 1024x768 32 bits/pixel ,查看其Mode为 54 ;所以我们应该用855resolution来设置; [root@localhost beinan]# 855resolution 54 1024 768

上面是命令行式的的配置,最好是改配置文件最方便;855resolution配置文件为/etc/sysconfig/855resolution ; # Mode to overwrite (use "855resolution -l" to see all available modes)MODE="54"# Resolution to set (i.e. "1280 768", no "x", only a space as the separator)RESOLUTION="1024 768"

改好后,重启 /etc/init.d/855resolution ,下次启动机器进入系统,就不必管他了,他是自行启动的服务;

[root@localhost beinan]# /etc/init.d/855resolution startOverriding video bios mode 54 from 1024x768 to 1024x768: [ 确定 ]

另外还要修正/etc/X11/xorg.conf ;查看类似下面的一段; Section "Screen"        Identifier "Screen0"        Device "Videocard0"        Monitor "Monitor0"        DefaultDepth 24        SubSection "Display"                Viewport 0 0                Depth 24                Modes "1024x768"        EndSubSectionEndSection

如果我们采用的是色深为24为默认的话;24色的SubSection "Display"中要包括我所前面说的分辨率为1024x768;只是举个例子;当然您认为机器能支持1280x1024,也可以用前面的方法来配置,然后写在xorg.conf中就行了;四、附录:一些有用的帮助,比如 gtf 的用法;NVIDIA和ATI显示卡我驱动安装等;后记: 显示设备大多都支持,比如显示器、显示卡等;但官方出品的显示卡驱动还是比较少,目前只有NVDIA和部份的ATI显示卡有驱动。有了驱动才能玩3D功能;慢慢来吧... ...


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如果我们采用的是色深为24为默认的话;24色的SubSection "Display"中要包括我所前面说的分辨率为1024x768;只是举个例子;当然您认为机器能支持1280x1024,也可以用前面的方法来配置,然后写在xorg.conf中就行了;四、附录:一些有用的帮助,比如 gtf 的用法;NVIDIA和ATI显示卡我驱动安装等;后记: 显示设备大多都支持,比如显示器、显示卡等;但官方出品的显示卡驱动还是比较少,目前只有NVDIA和部份的ATI显示卡有驱动。有了驱动才能玩3D功能;慢慢来吧... ...


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