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大公司的Linux使用率一直在攀升,最近的调查显示,有73%的大公司在他们的服务器上跑Linux操作系统,在一个月前这个比例还停留在67%,一年前在65%。上面这段文字出现在per Evans数据公司的最近有关大企业的发展报告中。

  作为per Evans公司的主席,John Andrews说,我们一直都有看到,Linux不断的在企业级操作系统市场上获得突破,因为他已经足够成熟,可以面对关键的企业级商业业务应用。我们也不断的看到,越来越多的企业级IT管理人员在使用Linux,把Linux集成到他们的基础架构中去,从而获得更好的TCO。

  Linux usage in the servers of large companies is continuing to rise. 73% of enterprise companies are running Linux on at least some of their servers. Just six months ago that figure was 67% and a year ago it was 65%, as per Evans Data Corp's latest Enterprise Development Issues Survey.

  "We continue to see Linux making deeper inroads into the Enterprise space as it matures to handle more critical business workloads," states John Andrews, President of Evans Data. "We are continuing to see more and more enterprise IT managers make better use of Linux, integrating it into their heterogeneous environments where it makes the best business sense."

  Other findings from Volume I of the 2006 Enterprise Survey of almost 400 developers include:

  * Grid computing is on the rise. Fifteen percent of respondents are currently using a grid computing strategy, up from ten percent six months ago. One third of enterprise companies either have a grid in place or expect to in the next twelve months.

  * Eighteen percent of those surveyed are currently implementing Rich Internet Applications, a 50% increase from six months ago.

  * Desktop database usage is slipping. Only about half of respondents use desktop databases compared to 66% one year ago.