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目前,国内推出了许多的Linux的发行版本,其重点集中在中文平台上,方便了国内用户对Linux的使用,但是有一个不是太好的迹象就是把汉化作为Linux操作系统的主要功能,实际上汉字处理尽管非常重要,但是把Linux作为桌面系统进行推广,其价值不是非常大,并且在推出的发行版本中,应用程序的源代码包多被删除,而选择了一些不是太有价值的X-Windows程序包,而许多应用程序(如PHP3)必须要源代码的支持才可进行功能的扩展,GNU/Linux的优秀主要是给了我们非常丰富的软件资源,和享受资源的充分自由,应用程序的分析难度远小于内核,并且能够带来比较明显的效果,实际上许多的应用程序都提供了多平台的支持。Linux目前可能作为对抗Windows NT的工具是非常合适的。


 /*      * This program demonstrate SOCK_PACK call.      * Thanks Linux. Thanks Alan Cox      * derived from/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/dosemu-0.66.7/src/dosext/net/net/libpacket.c      *  compile method: cc capturer.c -o capturer      */      /*      * Alan Cox raw code      */         /*      * SOCK_PACKET support.      * Placed under the GNU LGPL.      *      * First cut at a library of handy support routines. Comments, additions      * and bug fixes greatfully received.      *      * (c) 1994 Alan Cox [email protected] GW4PTS@GB7SWN      */      #include      #include      #include      #include      #include      #include      #include      #include      #include      #include      #include      /*#if __GLIBC__ > 1*/      #include      #include      /*#else      #include      #include      #endif*/      #include      #include      /*      * Obtain a file handle on a raw ethernet type. In actual fact      * you can also request the dummy types for AX.25 or 802.3 also      *      * -1 indicates an error      * 0 or higher is a file descriptor which we have set non blocking      *      * WARNING: It is ok to listen to a service the system is using (eg arp)      * but don't try and run a user mode stack on the same service or all      * hell will break loose.      */      int      OpenNetworkType(unsigned short netid)      {      int s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_PACKET, htons(netid));         if (s == -1)      return -1;      fcntl(s, F_SETFL, O_NDELAY);      return s;      }      /*      * Close a file handle to a raw packet type.      */         void      CloseNetworkLink(int sock)      {      close(sock);      }      /*      * Write a packet to the network. You have to give a device to      * this function. This is a device name (eg 'eth0' for the first      * ethernet card). Please don't assume eth0, make it configurable      * - plip is ethernet like but not eth0, ditto for the de600's.      *      * Return: -1 is an error      * otherwise bytes written.      */      int      WriteToNetwork(int sock, const char *device, const char *data, int len)      {      struct sockaddr sa;      sa.sa_family = AF_INET;      strcpy(sa.sa_data, device);      return (sendto(sock, data, len, 0, &sa, sizeof(sa)));      }      /*      * Read a packet from the network. The device parameter will      * be filled in by this routine (make it 32 bytes or more).      * If you wish to work with one interface only you must filter      * yourself. Remember to make your buffer big enough for your      * data. Oversized packets will be truncated.      *      * Return:      * -1 Error      * otherwise Size of packet received.      */      int      ReadFromNetwork(int sock, char *device, char *data, int len)      {      struct sockaddr sa;      int sz = sizeof(sa);      int error;      error = recvfrom(sock, data, len, 0, &sa, &sz);      if (error == -1)      return -1;      strcpy(device, sa.sa_data);      return error; /* Actually size of received packet */      }      /*      * Handy support routines.      */      /*      * Obtain the hardware address of an interface.      * addr should be a buffer of 8 bytes or more.      *      * Return:      * 0 Success, buffer holds data.      * -1 Error.      */         /*      * NET2 or NET3 - work for both.      */      #if defined(OLD_SIOCGIFHWADDR) || (KERNEL_VERSION >= 1003038)      #define NET3      #endif         int      GetDeviceHardwareAddress(char *device, char *addr)      {      int s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);      struct ifreq req;      int err;      strcpy(req.ifr_name, device);      err = ioctl(s, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &req);      close(s); /* Thanks Rob. for noticing this */      if (err == -1)      return err;      memcpy(addr, req.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data,8);      return 0;      }      /*      * Obtain the maximum packet size on an interface.      *      * Return:      * >0 Return is the mtu of the interface      * -1 Error.      */      int      GetDeviceMTU(char *device)      {      int s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);      struct ifreq req;      int err;      strcpy(req.ifr_name, device);      err = ioctl(s, SIOCGIFMTU, &req);      close(s); /* So I'll add this one as well. Ok Alan? - Rob */      if (err == -1)      return err;      return req.ifr_mtu;      }      #define data_packet_len 1514      int      main(int argc ,char *argv[])      {      char devicename_rec[32];      unsigned char data[data_packet_len];      int netid=0x03,sock_h=0,i=0,count_rec=0;      if ((sock_h=OpenNetworkType(netid))0) {      printf("Received Packet = %d\n",++count_rec) ;      for (i=0;i