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问题不断 FC 6发行版再次推迟

根据最新的maillist上的信息,Fedora Core 6将再度被延迟发布,在声明中写道,在过去的一周中我们在Fedora Core 6中遇到了更多的bug,而且这项bug非常重要,在发布前一定要修复,特别是一些库文件的问题、Anaconada中遇到的问题等等。



  Over the weekend we ran into a few more bugs with Fedora Core 6 that we

  decided were important enough to fix. There were some multilib compose

  issues (wrong packages landing in the wrong dirs), some translation files

  that would cause tracebacks in things like anaconda (whoops), and a

  fedora-release package that forgot to enable updates (double whoops). For

  these reasons and a few others, we decided to respin the release candidate

  tree and push the release date out another couple of days.

  The current plan is to spin a release candidate this evening with some last

  minute fixes, and start the sync. Validation has gone very well up to this

  point and baring any blow ups in the spin process, the release looks very

  solid. We're planning to release on Thursday Oct 19th. This should give the

  mirrors enough days to sync up. If things blow up horribly and we have to

  spin again tomorrow, depending on what time we have to respin we may slip

  until next week, as releasing on Fridays or Mondays gets you the wrath of the

  mirror admins (:

  I want to thank you all for playing along and helping us to make FC6 the best

  release yet!


  Jesse Keating

  Release Engineer: Fedora