当前位置:Linux教程 - Linux文化 - 用用户态文件系统(FUSE)解决假设ftp服务器时的编码问题


在假设ftp服务器时最讨厌的就是编码问题,在windows环境下,中文都是GB*的,而在Linux下UTF-8则使用的越来越广泛,为了解决这个矛盾,我写了个fuse-convmv用户态文件系统,现已经支持只读类的操作。 下面是软件的README文件:

Abstract ========

This is a filesystem client use the FUSE(Filesystem in USErspace) interface to convert file name from one charset to another.

Motivation ==========

Convmv(http://osx.freshmeat.net/projects/convmv/)is a utility to converts filenames (not file content), directories, and even whole filesystems to a different encoding. Inspired by this tool, born was the convmvfs which mirror a whole filesystem tree from one charset to another.

For example, in China there's a National Standard called GB2312 which defined a charset to present most of the Chinese character. And many ftp client used in China only accept and show filename in GB2312. But in *nix world i18n is more acceptable than l10n so many *nix server use UTF-8. For example, there's a linux hosted box run a ftp server app on it. The ftp server export /ftp/pub to anonymous access in which all filenames are in UTF-8 charset. Now we can make a directory called /ftp/pub_gb2312 and use our convmvfs tool to mount a special fuse filesystem on /ftp/pub_gb2312, which hotly convert the filename in /ftp/pub from UTF-8 to GB2312 but leave the contant unchanged.

Install =======

First you need to download FUSE 2.5 or later from:


After installing FUSE, compile convmvfs the usual way:

./configure make make install (as root)

And you are ready to go.

If checking out from CVS for the first time also do 'autoreconf -iv' before doing './configure'.

How to use ==========

Once convmvfs is installed running it is very simple:

usage: convmvfs mountpoint [options]

general options: -o opt,[opt...] mount options -h --help print help -V --version print version

FUSE options: -d -o debug enable debug output (implies -f) -f foreground operation -s disable multi-threaded operation

-o allow_other allow access to other users -o allow_root allow access to root -o nonempty allow mounts over non-empty file/dir -o default_permissions enable permission checking by kernel -o fsname=NAME set filesystem name -o large_read issue large read requests (2.4 only) -o max_read=N set maximum size of read requests

-o hard_remove immediate removal (don't hide files) -o use_ino let filesystem set inode numbers -o readdir_ino try to fill in d_ino in readdir -o direct_io use direct I/O -o kernel_cache cache files in kernel -o umask=M set file permissions (octal) -o uid=N set file owner -o gid=N set file group -o entry_timeout=T cache timeout for names (1.0s) -o negative_timeout=T cache timeout for deleted names (0.0s) -o attr_timeout=T cache timeout for attributes (1.0s)

CONVMVFS options: -o srcdir=PATH which directory to convert -o icharset=CHARSET charset used in srcdir -o ocharset=CHARSET charset used in mounted filesystem

Note: * If you use normal user to mount file system be sure to have r/w permision to /dev/fuse.

* use iconv --list to see which charsets are supported.

* to allow other user to access the mount point use allow_other option

Sample use:

* to mount $convmvfs /ftp/pub_gbk -o srcdir=/ftp/pub, \ icharset=utf8,ocharset=gbk

* to umount $fusermount -u /ftp/pub_gbk


举个应用例子,我在我的一个服务器上(debian sarge)配置有vsftp服务器。 1、首先安装Fuse>=2.5——不能使用debian sarge自带的,因为版本太老了。 2、编译安装后记住要设置每次开机都加载fuse内核模块,在debian下是修改/etc/modules文件。然后配置udev,让/dev/fuse文件的用户组为fuse(如果没有先添加这个用户组):

CODE:[Copy to clipboard]#addgroup --system fuse #cat /etc/udev/rules.d/40-fuse.rules KERNEL="fuse", NAME="%k", MODE="0660",OWNER="root" GROUP="fuse" 3、添加用户fuser属于组fuse #adduser --ingroup fuse --disabled-password --no-create-home --system --shell /bin/sh fuser 4、修改/etc/fuse.conf添加:

CODE:[Copy to clipboard]# cat /etc/fuse.conf user_allow_other 5、然后就编译安装fuse-convmv(附件有)。 6、假设/home/ftp/pub中的所有文件名都是UTF-8编码的,现在新建一个/home/ftp/pub_gbk文件夹,并且将这个文件夹的属组设置为fuser。现在执行下列命令:

CODE:[Copy to clipboard]# su fuser -c '/usr/local/bin/convmvfs -o srcdir=/home/ftp/pub,icharset=utf8,ocharset=gbk,allow_other /home/ftp/pub_gbk' srcdir=/home/ftp/pub/ icharset=utf8 ocharset=gbk 成功后,访问ftp服务器,就会有pub和pub_gbk两个文件夹,其中pub是UTF-8编码的文件,pub_gbk是转换后的gbk编码文件名。
