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linux ppp GPRS拨号问题

>>> 此贴的回复 >> 你可以试试把 /mnt/ppp/peers/gprs 里的 usepeerdns 去掉,我以前是这么试的,但是不知道为什么

>>> 此贴的回复 >> 你试一下用这个命令 pppd debug /dev/ttyS3 115200 -detach crtscts defaultroute user card password card connect /usr/sbin/dialernew&

>>> 此贴的回复 >> 你的PPP拨号参数配置有问题或者没有设置用户名所致(见我下面/etc/options文件里的说明),导致不能和PPP server端握手成功获取local IP and server IP! 我3,4年前在一块ARM板子上弄通过,由于嵌入式上很多要自己做,redhat上会更简单,也更容易,如果做嵌入式,你应该先在PC上弄通,在移植到目标板上,大致给你说说,希望对你有所帮助 1. 配置kernel使它支持如下PPP选项: PPP(point-to-point) support PPP multilink support(EXPERIMENTAL) PPP support for async serial prots PPP support for sync tty ports PPP Deflate compression PPP BSD-Compress compression 2.编译交叉编译ppp-2.4.1,将./pppd/pppd, ,/chat/chat, ./pppdump/pppdump, ./pppstats/pppstats四个文件拷贝到嵌入式文件系统的/usr/sbin目录下,并将他们的文件属性改为755. 3.在嵌入式文件系统中: a、 建立一个ppp设备: mknod /dev/ppp c 108 0 并改变/etc/ppp文件夹的属性:chmod 600 /etc/ppp. b、 编辑/etc/modules.conf文档,增加一行: options ppp_async flag_time=0 c、 编辑/etc/resolv.conf,加入一行: nameserver注释:这是爱立信的GPRS域名解析服务器DNS地址,当时GPRS没现在普及,为了这个地址狂打了几天电信的技术支持,但很多support好水啊,不懂装懂(借机损一下那些拿高工资又比较水的telecomer,嘿嘿,不要板砖拍我啊,怕怕的,我),最后终于问到一个帅哥,告诉了我这个。) d、 检查/etc/host.conf脚本,确保有order hosts,bind 4.e、 /etc/ppp目录下建立如下文件(这里怎么贴附件?真晕,要我挨个贴啊,辛苦是辛苦了点,好在今天心情好,就一并贴了吧,呵呵。为了好看清楚,每个文件用“#------#”分隔,各个它们都要有可执行权限哦): #------------------------------------------------# # File: # /etc/ppp/gprs # # Description: # This file holds the serial cable and IrDA pppd options for GPRS phones

# Tell the ppp-daemon to accept mangled data receive-all

# Give some debug info debug kdebug 7

# Print out all the option values which have been set. dump

# Serial device to which terminal is connected; # with serial port (COM1 in Windows) use /dev/ttyS0 # and with IrDA use /dev/ircomm0. #/dev/ircomm0 # IrDA /dev/ttyAM1 # serial cable (NOTE: 这个地方你要改为真正的你用的串口,比如/dev/ttyS0)

# Serial port line speed 115200

# Turn off waiting of carrier detect or flow control signal # With IrDA it should be disabled with nocrtscts option. -crtscts # serial cable #nocrtscts # IrDA # Ignore carrier detect signal from the modem local

# To keep pppd on the terminal nodetach

# Accept the peer's idea of our local IP address ipcp-accept-local # Accept the peer's idea of its (remote) IP address ipcp-accept-remote

# IP addresses: # - accept peers idea of our local address and set address peer as # (any address would do, since IPCP gives to it) # - if you use the 10. network at home or something and pppd rejects it, # change the address to something else

-chap #-pap

# pppd must not propose any IP address to the peer! #noipdefault

# No ppp compression novj novjccomp

papcrypt nodeflate

#No ppp magic number nomagic

# no asyn cmap asyncmap 0

# Add default route defaultroute

# Connect script connect /etc/ppp/gprs-connect-chat

# Disconnect script disconnect /etc/ppp/gprs-disconnect-chat

#------------------------------------------------# # File: # /etc/ppp/options # receive-all nopcomp noaccomp nomagic debug # Mobile is connected to the first serial port /dev/ttyAM1 (NOTE: 这个地方你要改为真正的你用的串口,比如/dev/ttyS0) 115200 connect '/usr/sbin/chat -e -f /etc/ppp/gprs-connect-chat -v' disconnect '/usr/sbin/chat -e -f /etc/ppp/chat-disconnect -v' modem noauth noccp novj novjccomp defaultroute noipdefault user foo (NOTE:这个很重要,当时搞的我好痛苦,嘿嘿。windows下拨号可以不用用户名,但Linux不行,所以我们骗linux一下,设一个假的好了,另外,还要参见/etc/pap-secrets,呵呵) lock

#------------------------------------------------# #!/bin/sh # # File: # /etc/ppp/chat-gprs-connect # # Description: # chat script to open Sonera GPRS service with GPRS phones. If ppp # negotiation stalls, try restarting the phone. To try with other GPRS # operator setting, change the PDP contex setting. The settings work with # all Ericsson models, but Nokia 8310 does not suppor QoS parameters with # AT commands, so just delete those lines and it'll work. # # Set PDP context CID=1, protocol=IP, APN=internet: # AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet","",0,0 # # Set CID=1 QoS requirements from the network, not supported by 8310: # AT+CGQREQ=1,0,0,0,0,0 # # Set CID=1 minimum acceptable QoS parameters, not supported by 8310: # AT+CGQMIN=1,0,0,0,0,0 # # 'Call' CID=1 (activate PDP context one, perform GPRS attach): # ATD*99***1# # # ogin:-BREAK-ogin: \ # TIMEOUT 5 \ # assword: \ # SAY "\nLogged in OK...\n" \

# The actual chat script: exec chat \ TIMEOUT 5 \ ECHO ON \ ABORT '\nBUSY\r' \ ABORT '\nERROR\r' \ ABORT '\nNO ANSWER\r' \ ABORT '\nNO CARRIER\r' \ ABORT '\nNO DIALTONE\r' \ ABORT '\nRINGING\r\n\r\nRINGING\r' \ '' AT \ TIMEOUT 12 \ SAY "Press CTRL-C to close the connection at any stage!" \ SAY "\ndefining PDP context...\n" \ OK AT+CGATT? \ OK AT+CGATT=1 \ OK AT+CGATT? \ OK 'AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP"' \ OK AT+CGQREQ=1,0,0,3,0,0 \ OK AT+CGACT=1,1 \ OK ATDT*99***1# \ TIMEOUT 120 \ SAY "\nwaiting up to 2 mintues for connect...\n"\ CONNECT "" \ SAY "\nConnected. now logging in...\n" \ SAY "\nIf the following ppp negotiations fail,\n" \ SAY "try restarting the phone.\n" # NOTE: PDP context可能会因你的猫不同而有所区别,查它的手册来写吧


#!/bin/sh # # File: # /etc/ppp/chat-gprs-disconnect # # send break exec /usr/sbin/chat -V -s -S \ ABORT "BUSY" \ ABORT "ERROR" \ ABORT "NO DIALTONE" \ SAY "\nSending break to the modem\n" \ "" "\K" \ "" "+++ATH" \ SAY "\nPDP context detached\n" #------------------------------------------------# # File: # /etc/ppp/chap-secrets # Secrets for authentication using CHAP # client server secret IP addresses ####### redhat-config-network will overwrite this part!!! (begin) ########## ####### redhat-config-network will overwrite this part!!! (end) ############ #------------------------------------------------# # File: #/etc/ppp/pap-secrets # Secrets for authentication using PAP # client server secret IP addresses ####### redhat-config-network will overwrite this part!!! (begin) ########## ####### redhat-config-network will overwrite this part!!! (end) ############ foo * "" * 剩下的文件就是那些关于ip-down,ip-up,ip-down.ipv6to4,ip-up.ipv6to4了,没啥好说的了, 最后只有祝你good luck了
