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>>> ´ËÌùµÄ»Ø¸´ >> ÔÚ /usr/include/sys/timeb.h ÀïÓÐ

>>> ´ËÌùµÄ»Ø¸´ >> timebÀïftimeÕâ¸ö½á¹¹ÈçºÎ¶¨ÒåµÄ£¿

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>>> ´ËÌùµÄ»Ø¸´ >> ÔÚLINUXÏÂÊäÈëman ftime,µÃµ½ÈçϽá¹û£º FTIME(3) Linux Programmer's Manual FTIME(3) NAME ftime - return date and time SYNOPSIS #include int ftime(struct timeb *tp); DESCRIPTION Return current date and time in tp, which is declared as follows: struct timeb { time_t time; unsigned short millitm; short timezone; short dstflag; }; Here time is the number of seconds since the epoch, millitm is the num- ber of milliseconds since time seconds since the epoch, timezone is the local time zone measured in minutes of time west of Greenwich, and dst- flag is a flag that, if nonzero, indicates that Daylight Saving time applies locally during the appropriate part of the year. These days the contents of the timezone and dstflag fields are unde- fined. RETURN VALUE This function always returns 0. BUGS This function is obsolete. Don't use it. If the time in seconds suf- fices, time(2) can be used; gettimeofday(2) gives microseconds; clock_gettime(3) gives nanoseconds but is not yet widely available. Under libc4 and libc5 the millitm field is meaningful. But early glibc2 is buggy and returns 0 there; glibc 2.1.1 is correct again.